Service Autonomics

Case Study

Information Technology – Service Autonomics

The Company: An $89 billion Global Financial Services Holding Company

The Opportunity: The Company had initiated a review of its Technology cost structure across major geographies worldwide. Having previously capitalized on a global shared services and offshore service delivery model, the organization launched a run book automation initiative as a mechanism to drive further cost reductions. Two years in, the initiative risked falling short of its cost cutting targets. The automation initiative was stymied by the number of non-standard tickets that existed within the environment.

Actions: Performed initial assessment of IT Infrastructure delivery and cost structure. Gathered data and performed analysis of 3 month history of incidents, staff and technology (~2M incident records). Based on highest impact probability, focused scope of detailed analysis primarily on Incident Management (~4,200 FTE’s in scope for L1/L2 Network, Storage, Systems and Voice areas). Developed understanding of critical challenges and identified autonomics as the target solution. Performed market scan on emerging autonomics technologies and vendor capabilities. Shortlisted autonomic solution providers and prepared high level timeline and business case.

Results: A recommended short-list of autonomic solutions that could complement the existing run book automation initiative while enhancing and accelerating the cost savings opportunity. A high level savings estimate along with a proof of concept and pilot timeline. Net savings impact ranged from $35M (low compression yield) to $83M (high compression yield) during the first 21 months.