Thought leadership

October 5th, 2017 by

Many healthcare organizations are implementing aggressive operations improvement programs as part of a broader trend on cost reduction efforts. Artificial Intelligence solutions can support several areas in clinical operations to bring about positive change.

October 5th, 2017 by

Leadership in the healthcare industry realizes that changes to clinical operations can lead to better health outcomes, improved revenues, and reduced operating costs.  Artificial Intelligence technologies have the possibility to support each of these objectives. 

April 3rd, 2017 by

For commercial potential of Artificial Intelligence to be realized, business executives and technology vendors need to be communicating clearly using an industry standard vocabulary. An article on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation and Deep Learning

January 8th, 2017 by

Having achieved initial cost savings, many retained organizations lack a plan for creating and delivering additional value during the remainder of their contract term. Innovating midcourse to achieve value, however, requires an understanding of how each side needs to contribute to creating it.

October 5th, 2016 by

The End of Globalization? The convergence of new technologies is dramatically changing how we work, what we do at work and where we work from. All combined, these technologies will continue to impact global trade, reversing years of globalization in developed economies.