Summary: Have you heard that AI will ultimately take our jobs. How about that AI will make our lives easier? Or that AI will keep us all healthy and living longer. Many corporations employ futurists. Read about the different types of futurists and which quadrant they map to.
Summary: Into self-driving vehicles? Behind the sensors and cameras are the high-definition maps. And not all maps are created equal. A behind the scenes look at the challenges, technologies and the players vying to win the war for maps.
Summary: The Associations of the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence now schedules its annual meeting around the Chinese New Year – in recognition of the number of AI researchers participating from China. Interesting insights on how cycle times for turning technology into products is much shorter in China than the US.
Summary: Innovation is about developing STEM talent, investment in research and development and enablement of an eco-system to pursue development of a range of products and applications. A great read on how China is mobilizing to lead in AI technologies with some comparisons to what the US is doing.
Summary: Are there parallels in lessons learned from your company’s ERP implementation that apply to your AI implementation? Does anyone remember their company’s ERP implementation? Well, read on. Some practical, down to earth advice on approaching your company’s AI initiative and implementation.
Summary: A great illustrative article with real examples on how small data errors have led to sometime farcical but mostly painful outcomes. With large data sets and multiple software layers, an eye to detail in the AI world has deeper significance. The article concludes with some good suggestions on how managers can reduce the potential for misidentified data.
Summary: A good overview of how robotics and automation is impacting certain traditional industries such as farming, natural resources and retail. Great examples and insights on technologies, applications and companies that are changing our work environments.
Summary: A quick read about how major service providers are coping with the shift from their traditional, resource heavy, packaged based service offerings to emerging offerings around digital, cloud, automation and AI. If your company is leveraging an offshore service delivery model, then this article is for you.
Summary: : A Must Read. This article provides an overview of the black box of AI neural networks – how the black box is formed and what the scientists are doing to understand it. The minds that exist in this field and their approach to both finding solutions as well as problem solving is just truly impressive.
Summary: : A light general purpose read about the state of AI with some promotion of Institutions and AI firms. References to autonomous vehicles, ethics and the proverbial black box. The few takeaways from this article are posted in the member section.